风险提示:央行等十部委发布《关于进一步防范和处置虚拟货币交易炒作风险的通知》, 请读者提高风险意识。

2023 新年 Web3 招聘岗位大放送(持续更新)


热度 ...



01.A&T Capital

A&T Capital 是一家聚焦投资区块链和Web3的风险投资基金,投资项目包括 Amber Group、Cobo、Gnosis Safe、Infstones 和 Consensys 等。



  • 调研、分析区块链项目,向内输出报告及 PR 文章
  • 与项目方接洽,学习/使用/评估项目方的项目以及团队
  • 对区块链相关赛道进行关注。输出相关文章及分析


  • 对区块链行业有着极大的热情,热爱思考,具备结构化思维和逻辑思考能力
  • 有一定的区块链行业知识(分析师:对各大公链,DeFi,NFT,跨链,Layer2 有较为深刻理解)
  • 有搭建财务模型和数据分析经验者优先
  • 国内外一流大学本科或以上学历优先


  • 直接接触到最顶尖的区块链项目方,与项目方成员直接沟通,保持密切联系
  • 第一时间和区块链最新的发展趋势保持联系,密切参与到行业的快速发展迭代之中
  • 行业领先的薪资福利待遇


邮箱地址:[email protected]

邮件标题:申请岗位 + 姓名(如申请实习:+学校 +实习时间)邮件内容:简历,可附上您之前有关区块链领域的研究

02.JZL Capital

JZL Capital 是一家成立于香港,专注区块链生态研究与投资的专业机构。创始人拥有丰富的传统金融从业经验,曾于 2018 年联合平安集团、LV Capital 和软银集团共同投资了总部位于以色列的全球领先社交投资网络平台 eToro,开启了其对区块链生态的研究与投资布局。团队成员来自芝加哥大学、哥伦比亚大学、华盛顿大学、卡耐基梅隆大学、伊利诺伊大学等顶尖院校,并服务于摩根士丹利、巴克莱银行、安永、海航集团、美国银行等国际知名企业。



实习分析师是成为助理或正式研究员前的基础阶段,如果你对区块链、智能合约、Web3 和元宇宙的研究和投资感兴趣,但因缺少区块链或金融领域的从业经验或并不清楚自己是否适合加密行业,那么实习分析师的岗位十分适合你。你会与一批资深的从业者们共同工作,参与项目讨论和投资决策的过程,并由投资经理和研究部门负责人直接指导。团队管理灵活度高,实习期间有发布研报、参与行业讨论的独特机会。岗位职责

  • 参与加密项目、赛道和行业整体的投资选题、调研和分析,为投资经理的投资决策提供标的和具体交易的参考信息。
  • 跟踪和搜集所负责赛道和项目的业务数据、治理提案和产品进展
  • 可以规划落地公号内容、能够熟练编写公号,基本 ps 或者视频剪辑,中、英文熟练
  • 每周可以准备出三次公号内容
  • 其他与研究和投资相关的工作


  • 熟悉中西哲学体系、艺术体系,对区块链、智能合约、Web3 和元宇宙有浓厚兴趣
  • 拥有清晰的逻辑思维,专注、耐心、好奇且具备基本的商业常识
  • 对研究和投资有热情,不抗拒逻辑和思维上的挑战,拥有投资相关的实习或项目经验
  • 有专门的研报撰写、项目分析和代码编写经验者加分
  • 具备较好的英文读写能力,有海外工作留学经历加分
  • 中文系、新闻系、英文系、编导系、古汉语系毕业加分


[email protected]

03.BlockPI Network

BlockPI 是一个 Web3 基础设施项目,团队自 2017 年起深度耕耘区块链行业。BlockPI 致力于为开发者提供基于多链网络的分布式加速层,为 Web3 项目提供高速、高可用以及无限可扩展性的去中心化基础设施服务。项目已获得来自 NGC Ventures、Hashkey Capital、Continue Capital、SNZ Holding、Shima Capital、CMS Holdings、Old Fashion Research、LD Capital、Math Wallet、StaFi Protocol、LucidBlue Ventures 等机构,以及加密投资人 Jocy Lin,Niantic 机器学习总监 Roger Luo 等个人投资者的投资。



  • 至少 3 年以上互联网或区块链相关技术开发经验,精通 Go
  • 精通 Cosmos SDK,有 1 年以上 Tendermint 链开发经验


  • 精通 Socket 网络编程,精通各种数据结构和算法,对密码学、安全协议和加密算法有研究,熟悉分布式、多线程、容器技术等技术
  • 熟悉 Ethereum、Layer2、Sharding、Substrate、IPFS 等相关开源项目,有研究和贡献经验者优先
  • 了解 HTTP/2 协议,理解 RPC 框架,具备使用 ProtoBuf 的开发实践经验
  • 有 MongoDB、LevelDB、RocksDB 等数据库开发经验
  • 具备密码学技术相关背景,有相关项目背景者优先
  • 有自研链研发经验者优先
  • 解分布式存储并具有相关经验者优先
  • 理解各类主流的共识算法,包括不限于 PoW,PoS,DPoS,PBFT,Paxos,Raft 等
  • 热爱区块链行业,有钻研区块链技术热情,学习能力强,能熟练阅读相关英文文档,具有良好的沟通能力和表达能力、团队协作精神和执行力


https://t.me/wenzhihao要求全职坐班,Base 杭州/成都


Macon 建立的是一个去中心化的虚拟城市,象征着自由和财富。专注为用户提供丰富体验的链上游戏世界,现推出区块链工程师、设计师等岗位。



  • 主导并参与核心业务后端服务的架构设计、核心功能开发、核心系统优化等工作
  • 对重要核心服务的架构升级、稳定性建设、高性能优化等方面进行规划并推进实施
  • 负责技术难点调研和攻关,解决系统中关键的设计、技术、性能等问题


  • 有 Web3,链游,区块链,GameFi,DeFi,DApp,元宇宙等项目经验
  • 认可区块链技术,有长期投身区块链应用的热情和浓厚兴趣,熟悉 Solidity 和智能合约开发经验
  • 热爱编码,有技术热情,有技术视野,追求卓越
  • 本科 2 年及以上相关工作经验,拥有深度的计算机技术基础,具有良好的编码能力和编码风格,精通常用的数据结构与算法
  • 精通 Java 语言,熟悉 JVM、多线程并发、网络 IO、TCP 协议栈
  • 精通分布式、缓存、消息、MySQL 等技术原理及细节
  • 精通 nodejs,有相关分布式系统开发经验
  • 关注新技术方向,习惯查阅和阅读英文资料,深究原理和细节,对主流工具有自己的见解
  • 拥有优秀的发现和解决问题的能力,良好的沟通和团队协作能力,善于培养团队成员





  • 负责公司移动端和 Web 端相关产品的设计工作,能独立且高品质地完成产品设计任务
  • 负责公司产品的总体视觉设计,参与相关设计流程、设计标准以及视觉元素规范的制定
  • 与产品经理、前端工程师密切合作,完成日常的需求与项目工作,根据产品需求,提供优秀合理的设计方案
  • 跟踪把握设计与创意的流行趋势,对设计和用户体验提供新的想法和观点


  • 有 Web3,链游,区块链,GameFi,DeFi,元宇宙等项目经验优先
  • 本科或以上学历,美术专业优先 3 年以上 UI 设计工作经验,作品优秀者学历可放宽
  • 熟练使用 Photoshop、Sketch 等设计软件,熟悉 iOS 和 Android 设计规范
  • 对视觉设计、色彩有敏锐的观察力及分析能力,了解产品交互设计,能在产品易用性与设计美观性上寻求平衡
  • 优秀的沟通能力和团队协作精神,乐于学习,工作有激情,富有创造力和责任感
  • 具备基本的英文读写能力
  • 有代表个人风格和水平的完整产品设计经验者优先,简历请带上个人作品





  • 负责游戏客户端 UI 系统以及游戏核心玩法开发,并编写相关文档
  • 负责客户端性能优化与改进,修复 BUG 及维护,把控代码品质,保证游戏的流畅度
  • 与产品端、服务器端人员、进行有效的沟通协作,按进度完成开发


  • 有 Web3,链游,区块链,GameFi,DeFi,元宇宙等项目经验优先
  • 1 年以上游戏(页游、手机端、H5、小游戏等)开发经验
  • 熟悉 typescript、javascript、lua 等脚本语言
  • 熟悉 HTTP、websocket 等网络协议
  • 熟悉常用数据结构和算法,了解常用设计模式,有良好的代码规范
  • 热爱游戏,工作主动,逻辑清晰,有良好的团队协作和沟通能力


  • 有过完整客户端游戏开发到上线运营的经验
  • 熟悉至少 1 种客户端引擎:cocos creator、cocos2d-js、cocos2d-lua、Egret、unity、小 游戏(h5)、Laya
  • 有 Android 或 IOS 客户端开发经验
  • 有 nodejs 项目开发经验


  • 优质的平台供你施展拳脚
  • 资深技术大牛带你飞
  • 合理的项目分成让你青春无悔
  • 带薪假期,拒绝内卷,效率为先





  • 根据项目发展需要,拓展与海外市场 KOL、local 社区的合作关系,服务于海外用户增长目标
  • 负责拓展、联络、维护与业内项目的合作关系,帮助项目建立行业高度
  • 对海外当地渠道及合作伙伴进行跟踪管理,完成公司在海外的市场活动


  • 学历本科及以上
  • 2 年以上相关行业经验,英语可为工作语言
  • 行业资源丰富,熟悉全球 NFT 项目和头部 alpha group 的分布和合作方式
  • 可展示个人 Twitter 账户,Followers 人数多且优质为加分项

薪资待 遇





Nansen is a blockchain analytics platform that enriches on-chain data with millions of wallets labels. Crypto investors use Nansen to discover opportunities, perform due diligence and defend their portfolios with our real-time dashboards and alerts.

About the role

As Nansen’s Social Media Manager, you’ll help shape and grow Nansen’s social media presence and strategy through educational, engaging and entertaining content in bite-sized formats.

What will you be doing?

  • Grow and shape Nansen’s social media following
  • Collaborate closely with marketing, design, growth, product and people teams to create a strategic and cohesive content calendar
  • Own the entire end-to-end process from planning, ideating through to execution to reporting
  • Measure, analyse and report on the performance of social media posts and campaigns
  • Stay up to date with crypto, DeFi, NFT and social media trends

Are you the right person for this role?

  • 2+ years of social media and content management experience
  • Proficient with social media platforms such as Twitter, Telegram, Discord, YouTube, Linkedin, Tik Tok
  • Strong understanding of crypto, DeFi, NFT and social media trends
  • Highly skilled in writing engaging and exciting short-form social media copy
  • Ability to clearly communicate Nansen's offerings and product features in bite-sized formats
  • Proactive: Challenge the status quo and propose ideas that could go viral on social
  • Detail-oriented: Strong attention to detail and is able to get things done fast
  • Drive: We want people who are passionate about the crypto industry, and are eager to up-skill and hone their knowledge in the crypto space
  • Data-driven: Analyse and report on performance of social media posts and campaigns
  • Independent: Direct experience working in a remote first environment; and able to work independently whilst collaborating closely with a fast-growing team
  • Self-motivated: Entrepreneurial mindset with a strong sense of ownership, empathy, and determination to get things done
  • Resilience: Humble to new ideas, and eager to learn and power through amidst adversity and challenges
  • An entrepreneurial spirit and the skills to take a (rough) idea and make it reality
  • Excellent written communication skills in English

Nice to haves

  • Proficiency in another major language (e.g. Mandarin or Spanish)
  • Experience in hosting Twitter Spaces, podcast, or live streams
  • Knowledge in social media design formats



06. DeGate

DeGate is limit orders, decentralized.

We are an order book-centric Decentralized Exchange (DEX) trading protocol that is secured by Ethereum, utilising a Decentralized Autonomous Organisation (DAO) structure that has full control over its treasury. As a next-gen DEX, DeGate aims to make decentralised exchange trading mainstream and accessible to all, with key features such as Order Book Trading, Leverage Capabilities, and Super-fast Transaction Times amongst others.

The vision of DeGate is to become the leading liquidity hub for limit order trading. DeGate is a protocol of the community, by the community, and for the community. DeGate believes in the fair-launch principle, in that there was no discounted seed round of fundraising or any VC round - anyone from the community can participate with equal rights.


Community Manager (Chinese)

Senior Designer

Referral Bounty Program

Zero Knowledge Researcher

Blockchain Application Engineer



07. mobacraft - 链上moba类Gamefi项目

DeGate is limit orders, decentralized.

We are an order book-centric Decentralized Exchange (DEX) trading pro




















  1. 对潜在的Web3投资项目进行行业研究,包括相关行业、企业、产品等信息搜集、整理和分析,不限于国内市场
  2. 支持相关研究报告的撰写、数据分析等工作
  3. 需求频率不固定


  1. 华人,有流利的英文书面和口语
  2. 对投资充满热情,致力于获得职业成长,具备国际视野
  3. 熟悉王者荣耀、LOL等传统MOBA游戏者优先
  4. 独立思考,研究能力扎实,能有效配合他人
  5. 积极主动,注重细节
  6. 熟练使用Microsoft Office


Telegram: @CC_6606

Email: [email protected]

08. MagicSea





  1. 根据社区运营策略,搭建社区工具体系,
  2. 协调各部门团队成员,打造社区氛围,与社区成员共同实现产品增长目标


  1. 保持管理社区秩序、预防并处理风险事件、维护社区用户关系。


  1. 具备NFT社区MOD经验优先;
  2. 具备较强的活动策划和文字组织能力,能够针对不同用户设计有针对性的活动与宣传方案;
  3. 能够快速捕捉市场热点并输出内容,对数据敏感,有一定的数据分析能力;
  4. 熟练使用 Discord、Gleam、Telegram 等社交产品




09. Freeworld - gamefi



  • 主要营运公司项目战略,设定愿景和品牌
  • 注重销售 -专注于建立公司的内容战略,编写和编辑关键的叙述
  • 开发思想领导力和其他内容,以推动项目的认识和增长 -开发引人注目的内容,为当前和未来的客户提供信息和启发
  • 需要塑造和提升公司的品牌,捕获漏斗顶部的兴趣,并在全球范围内推动产品采用


  • 熟练使用web SNS 平台:twitter、telegram、discord、Instagram、medium等
  • 宣发内容撰写,包括日常社媒、BP、PR等宣发文章 /AMA策划及执行、host & spokesperson /Native English全英无障碍沟通-文案撰写(twitter&medium)、活动策划(AMA/品牌合作/社群活动)、品牌策略(品牌基建、市场调研)
  • 需要在Discord、Reddit、推特、脸书或有关web的有关的平台建立社区,倾听社区成员的反馈而做出反
  • 主要市场营销之间有很多交叉点


  • 对市场营销、数字文化和 Web3/Metaverse 有浓厚的兴趣 - 数字营销方面的专家级知识以及它如何使品牌受益
  • 热情外向的性格
  • 熟悉东南亚的国家和文化
  • 能够将战略目标转化为可操作的计划以实现这些目标
  • 有组织并能够在最少的外部指导下工作
  • 在截止日期前舒适地工作并同时处理多个项目
  • 英语流利
  • 能够出差 25-50% 的时间


  • 东南亚地区语言流利程度
  • 广泛的营销专家网络
  • 领导跨国/文化团队的经验


[email protected]


1. 提供住宿/办公处会在新山

2. 2k-3.5k 取决于个人能力

3. 朝九晚六双休

10. Metahood - 一站式metaverse门户


Full Stack EngineeratMetahood


At Metahood, our mission is to make the open metaverse more accessible, interoperable, and easy to navigate. Recently, we closed a $3m seed round led by 1confirmation and are now looking to expand our team.

As a Full-stack Engineer, you will play a critical role in building and shaping the future of our platform. Our stack includes Node.js, React, Next.js, TypeScript, Hasura, and PostgreSQL. You will be responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining the various components of our platform, both on the backend and frontend.

As a small team, you will have a big impact on the direction and development of our platform. We are looking for an enthusiastic, self-motivated engineer to help us build the next generation of financial products for the metaverse. As a dedicated fullstack hire, you will have the opportunity to work on both backend and frontend components and gain ownership over our existing suite of web products, as well as the ability to influence the creation, design, and execution of future products. You will be responsible for ensuring a consistent, high-quality user experience across trading interfaces, data-heavy analytics pages, documentation portals and more.


Build highly scalable, distributed solutions across the full stackLead new projects from conceptualization to deploymentEnsure application performance, uptime, and scaleAdhere to agile development methodologies and best practicesCollaborate with designers and other engineers to build end-to-end systems optimized for speed and scalabilityUtilize performance evaluation and debugging tools for JavaScript and implement Unit testing for a robust system


5+ years of software engineering experienceAt least 3 years of experience with Node.js and ReactA deep understanding of the architecture of modern web applicationsA desire to keep up with modern best practices in web development

Nice to Have

Familiarity with the web3 frontend stack (ethers.js/web3.js, EIP-1193, client-side private key management, etc.)Familiarity with React HooksExperience with TypeScript in ReactDegree in computer sciencePassion for the metaverse



11. nil.Foundation



Cryptography Developer (Remote)

Senior Database Developer (Remote)

VP of Engineering

C++ developer / Mathematician (Remote)



12. [email protected] - 欧洲区块链知识分享传播平台与数字社群


[email protected]是欧洲领先的区块链知识分享传播平台与数字社群,拥有PwC、Stake Capital Group、Taurus、D&A Partners、Binance等30+商业合作伙伴即赞助商,累计办理100+线上线下活动。[email protected]由HEC Paris 法国巴黎高商校友于2017年成立的非营利性校友组织,致力于Web3/区块链/NFT/加密经济/元宇宙的知识教育和分享,搭建业界生态,助力业内创业者、投资人、企业进行资源分享,品牌传播与提升。:https://blockchain-hec.com 和LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/company/blockchain-hec/

合作方式:#全职 #兼职 #实习 #远程













@nancylx (telegram)


[email protected] (email)

13. AleoScan









1、精通C++,CUDA C,及相关分析工具Nsight等

2、熟悉Nvidia GPU体系架构;





Tele 19941106279

14. ChainFeeds - web3内容聚合平台


团队介绍:ChainFeeds ,作为 Web3 方向的产品,希望招募对 Web3 理念和开源生态有强烈好奇心的同学,一起探索和研究 Web3 的全新技术。在这里你不仅能发现最新的区块链动态,还能与行业头部的协议、开发者、KOL等沟通、学习、合作,期待你的加入。


  1. 负责ChainFeeds 网站前端设计与研发,主要有Web端、移动端及后台部分,能实现高性能的交互效果;
  2. 参与各专项技术调研,新技术引入等前瞻项目,并对项目进行优化迭代;
  3. 研究 Web3 新协议与新技术,并对项目进行优化迭代;任职要求:
  4. 1-3年工作经验,本科学历及以上,上海或成都(可远程);


  1. 具有较强的责任心,自驱力和成长型思维,能独立完成开发任务;
  2. 良好的设计和编码品味,热爱写代码能产出高质量的设计和代码;
  3. 良好的英文阅读能力,能理解并学习全英文技术文档;
  4. 对区块链有热情,对Web3 有热情,对新技术有热情者优先;


求职者请附上申请理由与简历[email protected]

15. DeBox


Product opreation (Part-time)




[email protected]

16. Punch



  1. 承接各个渠道流入的新用户,提升新用户的留存率,付费率;
  2. 负责整理和总结各策略的效果,并沉淀项目经验,同时持续调优运营策略,上线更高效的用户增长活动功能;
  3. 综合各个渠道的用户全生命周期管理,持续推进用户标签体系迭代,同时挖掘新的营销玩法,优化用户路径;
  4. 指标监控体系:建立日度/周度/月度指标监控体系,通过可视化看板监控户增长趋势,并做好风险预警;
  5. 助力于广告投放,增长数据,次留数据,用户付费等方面的平台化建设;
  6. 和广告投放,产品经理、设计等团队配合,对产品体验和研发工作给予建议;
  7. 负责提升总体 DAU和付费用户数。










+1 586-697-0766

17. SwapChat


technical writer

Role and Responsibilities:

  • Developing comprehensive documents, including Web3MQ Docs, that meet organizational standards
  • Developing a deep understanding of Web3MQ products and services to translate complex product information into simple, polished, and engaging content
  • Ensuring text and terms consistency across all Web3MQ materials
  • Editing the texts into easy-to-digest and highly accurate pieces
  • Making sure the UI texts are on point
  • Participating in team-wide initiatives to support organizational goals

Job Requirements:

  • A strong command of the English language and an ability to translate complex technical concepts into clear, accessible prose
  • Experience in building and owning documentation with topic-based authoring
  • Experience in communicating with the open-source community in general and blockchain developer communities in particular is a plus
  • Willing to learn and try out, test new technical concepts"



  • 负责公司系列产品的技术与业务架构,行业现状与需求分析,并输出高质量方案文档指导面向开发者的产品建设;
  • 负责重点客户项目的需求分析,对技术/业务架构进行设计和产品化规划,同时确保项目顺利完整的成功交付;
  • 基于产品定位以及市场情况,制定开发平台的发展路线图及工程执行节奏的主导;
  • 基于路线规划,规划和构建平台体系化能力,编写需求文档,指导研发团队实施产品落地;
  • 去中心化节点体系的服务管理与升级管理问题;
  • 面向实施交付和开发人员;
  • 负责平台相关新技术预研,根据业务发展将预研结果转化为产品能力;
  • 培养和帮助初级架构师快速成长;


  • 本科及以上学历,5-8年以上工作经验,至少3年平台开发经验;
  • 优秀的分析问题和解决问题的能力,能够利用领域模型完成复杂业务架构的构建,有复杂toB产品技术架构经验优先;
  • 对消息队列产品 及 消息队列产品在整体IT体系中的核心价值 能面向客户良好沟通及营销消息队列型产品的价值者优先
  • 具备较强的业务抽象能力,具备良好的工程业务设计能力,熟悉常见设计模式;
  • 精通微服务框架,分布式缓存,消息,负载均衡等机制和实现;
  • 有云原生实践经验,不限于AWS, Azure, 阿里云,华为云;
  • 具有良好的沟通表达能力,以及团队内部工作协调能力;"



  1. 负责跨平台APP和Web前端界面的设计与开发。
  2. 与后端工程师进行协作,参与产品的UI设计和需求讨论。
  3. 对前端系统架构和组件进行开发和维护,完成前端项目的发布和部署工作。


  1. 掌: Typescript、JavaScript(含ES6)、HTML、CSS、协议等;
  2. 熟悉HTTP协议,连接TCP/IP的基本工作原理,熟悉基本web标准规范;
  3. 熟悉至少一个主流前端框架(React/Vue),有实际项目经验;
  4. 对前端工程化有一定理解,了解webpack、gulp等工具,熟悉常见的前端优化技巧;
  5. 良好的口头和书面沟通能力;
  6. 独立自主,有上进心,正向思考。


1、熟悉Chrome Extensions(Chrome插件)开发优先;web前端开发技术。需要快速构建最佳的前端架构,并对web 技术有深刻的理解。


3、在是 Typescript、 React 、 Mobx 和服务器端渲染方面有丰厚经验的小伙伴优先





  1. 负责Solidity合约开发工作,包括相关功能实现私幕,farm,NFT,盲盒,质押挖矿
  2. 有开发过交易所代币合约,NFT Market,GameFi。熟悉Eth,币安开发和部署。


  1. 计算机相关专业本科及以上学历,1年以上 Solidity合约开发经验,有完整项目经历优先;
  2. 熟练使用OpenZeppelin智能合约代码库。熟悉Erc20,Erc721合约开发。
  3. 熟悉 NodeJs、TypeScript 、语言,熟悉 Solidity ,具有良好的编程的思想;
  4. 责任心强,有较好的团队协作和任务跟进能力,善于沟通;
  5. 具备很强的自我学习能力,乐于接受挑战,有较强的抗压能力。
  6. 公链底层开发,熟悉区块链底层原理,擅长区块链底层开发相关工作;有公链底层开发经验优先


Telegram @wells159

18. Manta Network



岗位描述 1浏览器插件钱包和Dapp Web页面的开发。根据产品设计完成前端页面开发; 2. 熟练使用 JavaScript 语言,熟悉 TypeScript, 对 JS/TS 的工具类/功能性函数库有一定经验 3. 擅长React,有一定的node js开发经验 4. 能够熟练且高标准的还原设计稿以及响应式页面。 5. 可以无障碍阅读英文技术文档。 加分项

  1. 有web3js开发经验
  2. 对签名算法了解 (Big Plus)
  3. 有chrome/frefox浏览器插件开发经验 4.熟悉Det/NFT/DAO等Dapp页面交互逻辑
  4. 有wasm/智能合约开发经验


高级JavaScript/TypeScript 工程师


  • Design and implement the core modules of Mantapay && SocialFi Product
  • Extend existing blockchain SDKs to interact with our privacy transfer protocol stack.


  • 3+ years experience in software development.
  • Proficiency in at least one dynamic language, e.g. JavaScript/TypeScript, Ruby, Python, etc.
  • Strong passion for blockchain technology.
  • Familiarity with Ethereum, Bitcoin, or other blockchain projects.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Maintainer of open source libraries or experience working with open source projects.
  • Experience with dapp development.
  • Experience with full stack web development.



As Lead Tokenomics Designer, you will lead the design and implementation of the Manta’s X2earn SocialFi DApp. This role is meant for someone who desires to have significant ownership and meaningful impact within the web3 ecosystem. You’ll get to…

  • Design and implement the X2earn token tokenomics.
  • Create the strategy and roadmap for token economy.
  • Actively research and watch closely for emergent tokenomic models to keep at the forefront of tokenomics in web3 (x2earn/gamefi). Who we are looking for…
  • Degen
  • Extensive experience and knowledge in X2earn, designed x2earn or p2e tokenomics before and launched the product before
  • Extensive experience and knowledge in Web3, including smart contracts, NFTs, DAOs, tokens, blockchains, and cryptocurrency as a whole.
  • Extensive experience with tokens, including creation, minting, yield farming, issuing, burning and staking.
  • Clear, concise written and verbal communication and a track record influencing technical and non-technical staff.
  • Familiarity with common statistical tools, and/or Excel. Prefer:
  • Experience web2 games economics model design
  • Experience developing statistical models of complex systems.
  • Degree in economics, computer science, math, other quantitative discipline, or comparable experience.
  • A motivated and driven self-starter. Benefits & Perks…
  • Fully remote team
  • Team offsites at locations across the country
  • Unlimited vacation & paid time off




  1. 计算机视觉/图像生成领域前沿算法的跟进与研究,主要包括:基于Stable Diffusion人像生成、风格迁移等;





2.有基于Stable Diffussion的图像生成和风格迁移项目落地经验;

3.了解前沿图像生成算法&产品(如 Stable Diffusion,Disco Diffusion,Tiamat, Lensa);

4.熟练掌握Python语言,熟练使用PyTorch, HuggingFace, OpenCV等工具。
















3、在web3法务、项目管理方面有相关经验者优先,有个人信息保护法律经验和工作知识,如GDPR 、CCPA等优先;;






主要职责:负责web3 应用前端开发,设计符合web3审美的UI, 实现零知识证明协议的前端逻辑,不需要会零知识证明,主要是react和接钱包


  1. 二年以上web前端开发经验(熟练使用React)
  2. 熟悉区块链/智能合约交互
  3. 对web3项目感兴趣,对于产品的设计有独特的见解。有过社交和卡牌游戏开发经验优先,相关产品重度用户优先
  4. 不需要了解零知识证明,主要是会react


  1. 能有用英文基本交流或者读写优先
  2. 了解JS V8引擎, 能够进行性能调优
  3. 了解零知识证明相关概念




  • 测试和发现新产品、新功能的bug,并推进修复;
  • 制定QA流程,包括使用 Grafana 监控节点和日志;
  • 帮助开发人员在开发前确定测试内容;
  • 帮助开发人员确定其它质量相关问题和UX问题;
  • 编写自动化测试;
  • 撰写测试报告;
  • 撰写操作指南;
  • 制作YouTube 视频教程;
  • 负责论坛技术问题支持;


  • 熟悉Polkadot(或学习意愿强):包括substrate节点操作和Polkadot-js前端;
  • 熟悉Grafana、Git、Ansible;
  • 熟悉脚本语言——js/ts、python等;
  • 具备测试框架(如 Selenium)的经验;
  • 具备 AFL 等模糊测试框架的经验;
  • 熟悉 web3 和 DeFi 产品;




* 有竞争力的报酬;

* Token 期权;

* 美国工作签证(有机会获得绿卡);

* 一流的医疗保险保障;

* 不限期带薪休假;

* 开放包容的团队及工作氛围;

* 参加行业顶级会议,以及各种差旅机会

19. Bitverse -Web3 dapp&wallet



Bitverse —— 打造行业最好用的加密钱包,并成为Web3+元宇宙流量聚集地,具有高安全、优体验、超有趣的特点,让Web2用户低门槛进入Web3。

上线 2 个月,现有 2.5W+下载,2.2W+ MPC 钱包用户,期待你的加入,让 Bitverse 的未来更有趣。



Smart Contract Engineer







Email : [email protected]





  • 负责 Bitverse 区块链智能合约库开发和 Dapp 应用设计;
  • 参与 Bitverse 核心区块链基础设施,性能、安全的设计和优化;


  • 1-3年 Solidity 开发经验,精通智能合约开发,有成功项目经验的优先。
  • 有较强的研究能力,深度理解需求并实现,能满足平台定制化的合约开发。
  • 有自驱力,对加密市场、区块链技术、去中心化金融和整个 Web3 生态系统的兴趣和热情。
  • 有dex \ NFT 开发经验优先。



1、负责 Mpc 钱包项目的运营规划并设定 KPI;

2、来自 Crypto, 熟悉加密领域的市场打法,有自己的方法论;

3、对 Web3 钱包概念和用户受众有一定了解基础;


1、有 Web3 创业激情,人靠谱;

2、熟悉 Twitter, Discord, Galxe, Crew3, Gleam, Medium 运营与管理;

3、有 Crypto BD 经验与资源,有公链合作、社区本地化运营经验优先。

4、英语可作为工作语言( AMA与合作沟通),有2年及以上区块链相关工作经验优先。

5、Base 上海加分,远程亦可。




Email : [email protected]

20. 链融科技


岗位1:前端开发工程师 20-30K base北京 望京





岗位2:合约开发工程师 25-40K base北京 望京




岗位3:UI设计师 25-35K base北京 望京


关于【2023 新年 Web3 招聘岗位大放送(持续更新)】的延伸阅读

  • 香港Web3,究竟行不行?

    香港虚拟资产平台牌照发放一周年,11家平台申请牌照,2家成功获得。未获得牌照的平台离开香港,原生加密平台也出走。发牌过程中,规模和专业度是重要考量,本土金融机构和具备内地资源优势的平台获得先机。有传言称,离岸交易所无法满足监管要求,导致多家知名加密交易所撤回申请。香港监管机构撤回Hashkey Exchange的合规申请,可能是因为涉及敏感地区客户服务或监管人手有限。香港虚拟资产现货ETF表现优异,但市场缩水,流动性差,难以吸引外资。香港选择从传统资本端而非加密原生应用切入,填补资产空白,探索传统领域的Web3资产转型。未来,香港Web3的发展仍有待观察,但去中心化市场与传统机构升维的碰撞仍需时间。

  • 火币HTX重磅亮相GM Vietnam 2024并举办Web3未来之夜:聚焦加密新趋势 推进全球化战略

    火币HTX参加GM Vietnam 2024,与越南本地区块链公司和社区合作,推动技术创新。活动上,火币HTX展示了安全合规的交易所经验,并建议用户谨慎投资和多元化投资。此外,火币HTX还与知名媒体ChainCatcher合作举办了“Web3未来之夜”活动,探讨未来发展机遇。火币HTX表示,越南作为亚洲新兴市场,正逐渐成为Web3行业的焦点,将继续关注和支持越南市场的发展。



岗位5、6:运营策划、内容策划 可分布式 20-35K









META KEY TECHNOLOGY,Web3出海创业一站式解决方案服务商。





1. 海外社交媒体运营

2. 市场BD




发送邮件至: [email protected] ,备注:岗位+姓名+目前所在城市。

22. X World Games


Business Development Manager (Crypto/Gaming)

About the position

The position of Business Development Manager will be part of the XWG Global Business Development team and will work closely with the operation team in Canada. The role will be responsible for networking and establishing business partnerships with local gaming studios and independent developers in the web2 gaming space while also developing business models on mutual gains to maximize both-side opportunities and revenues for the X World Games ecosystem.


  • Identify possible partners, initiate conversations, negotiate business terms to integrate XWG products, and monitor the integration process.
  • Establish connections with local studios/developers, crypto wallets, exchanges, Defis/Gamefis, and other crypto/gaming-related projects.
  • Create and manage a pipeline of partner integration and co-marketing opportunities.
  • Develop new profitable business models and strategies and reach potential partners who might be interested.
  • Oversee the process strategically from the beginning to the end, from intro to integration to collaboration management.
  • Develop a detailed understanding of the XWG product's functionality and features and influence potential partners by becoming an expert on it.
  • Maintain close relationships with our existing partners and ensure their continuous updates from X World Games.
  • Collaborate with the team to establish and articulate strategic impacts for current or future efforts and initiatives.


  • Minimum of 2-3 years relevant business development experience in the blockchain or gaming industry
  • Excellent verbal/written and business negotiation communication skills, including facilitation of group presentations
  • Be positive and quickly bond working relationships with a variety of stakeholders.
  • Follow and understand the general web3 trends and blockchain applications - blockchain enthusiast.
  • Think creatively, solve problems independently, and perform well in a fast-paced setting.
  • Self-starter and self-motivated - your result speaks for your reward.

Good to have:

  • ACG-Lover (Animation, Comics, and Games)
  • Have successfully participated in a crypto project or gaming application.
  • Basic knowledge in game development and blockchain smart contracts.
  • It's a plus if you can communicate in a second language at a native level.


  • Attractive and competitive salary & token package with your options.
  • Work in a very dynamic environment and be part of an international team
  • Flexible working hours and startup environment.
  • Young & flat team structure. Working closely with the co-founding team.
  • Take your role in the cutting-edge & disruptive innovation industry and seek the endless possibilities in the gaming Metaverse.

Investor Relations Manager

About the position

The position of Investor Relations Manager will be part of the XWG Asia team and work closely with the business team in Singapore. The role will be responsible for building and maintaining a positive image for X World Games. The investor Relations Manager will be responsible for providing excellent investor care to current investors and proactively generating new leads to grow the investor base through referrals and outbound marketing efforts. The Investor Relations Manager will be responsible for the production of asset-level and fund-level performance report summaries to current investors and prospective investors; custom syndication and fund reports to maximize communication efficacy with a range of private, high net worth, and institutional investors; build strong relationships with existing investors by providing high-quality answers to investor inquires and excellent investor care; create new relationships with potential investors through referrals, networking, and marketing efforts.


  • Acts as liaison between the company and the public on financial matters.
  • Maintains and develops a positive public image for the organization.
  • Analyzes corporate activities for investors, identifying networking and other opportunities to build and create new initiatives.
  • Facilitates financial analyst meetings, which may include creating and reviewing the agenda, suggesting and setting the format and dates of the meetings, and fielding questions that may arise before, during, and after the meeting.
  • Facilitates the companys annual meeting, which may include creating and reviewing the agenda, coordinating the meeting space, arranging press coverage, and other related tasks.
  • Produces quarterly and annual investors reports.
  • Performs other related duties as assigned.
  • Track and analyze macro market data and assess operating activity ramifications.
  • Contribute to the development of quarterly earnings press releases and quarterly conference call notes.
  • Prepare materials for quarterly Board of Directors meetings.
  • Responsible for Investor Targeting (identifying and approaching suitable potential investors)
  • Represents the views of the investor community to company management in the development of a company strategy

Additional Responsibilities:

  • Additional ancillary job tasks
  • Assist on an as needed basis with projects that require additional help


  • 1-3 years of experience in the blockchain/crypto/DeFi/gaming field
  • Bachelor’s in Finance, Accounting, Economics, or related fields, with a minor in Communications or Public Relations
  • A Master's degree is preferred but not required
  • 3-6 years of experience in investor relations, public relations, financial investment, accounting or other related fields, experience in customer success or sales-oriented roles is a plus
  • Up-to-date understanding of regulations as defined by the Securities and Exchange Commission
  • Must demonstrate extremely strong communication (verbal, written, graphic) skills
  • Willing to travel
  • Accepted applicants without the noted qualifications must have previously demonstrated the propensity for successfully creating and maintaining business relationships.

Good to have:

  • ACG-Lover (Animation, Comics, and Games)
  • Journalism or relative field background
  • Basic knowledge in game development and blockchain smart contracts.
  • It's a plus if you can communicate in a second language at a native level.


  • Attractive and competitive salary & token package with your options.
  • Work in a very dynamic environment and be part of an international team
  • Flexible working hours and startup environment.
  • Young & flat team structure. Working closely with the co-founding team.
  • Take your role in the cutting-edge & disruptive innovation industry and seek the endless possibilities in the gaming Metaverse.

Social Media Coordinator (Crypto/Gaming)

About the position

The position of Social Media Manager will be part of the XWG Global Marketing team for our Chinese Marketing division and work closely with the operation team in Canada. The role will be heavily involved in social media engagement (Twitter-oriented) within the crypto community (Gaming/NFT/P2E), also assist with daily content creation, PR/marketing campaigns, and KOLs coordination.


  • Create content plans and strategies around followers, with clear KPIs centered around user growth, engagement, and retention, in collaboration with the internal team (design, public relations, marketing, and developers).
  • Within tight timeframes, explain complicated ideas and themes in simple language, as well as provide material such as documentation, blogs, lengthy reads, tutorials, and more.
  • To create and maintain a content database, a thorough understanding of "crypto-twitter" is important.
  • To build relationships and drive our business pipeline, engage with the metaverse, NFT, and P2E communities, as well as gamers and creators.


  • Minimum of 1 - 3 years experience in social media management and building (mostly in Twitter) with a successful history of growth strategy implementation.
  • In-depth knowledge of the crypto/blockchain/NFT/P2E space
  • Familiar with online social networks such as Telegram, Discord, Twitter, Facebook, Medium, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and others.
  • Passionate about learning the latest crypto trends in P2E, Web3, and Metaverse.
  • Required to be fluent in Chinese written and oral.

Good to have:

  • ACG-Lover (Animation, Comics, and Games)
  • Graphic, visual design and video editing skills such as Figma, Final Cut and etc.
  • Basic knowledge in game development and blockchain smart contracts.
  • It's a plus if you can communicate in a second language at a native level.


  • Attractive and competitive salary & token package with your options.
  • Work in a very dynamic environment and be part of an international team
  • Flexible working hours and startup environment.
  • Young & flat team structure. Working closely with the co-founding team.
  • Take your role in the cutting-edge & disruptive innovation industry and seek the endless possibilities in the gaming Metaverse.

Graphic Designer (Crypto)

About the position

The position of Graphic Designer will be part of the XWG Global Marketing team and work closely with the operation team in Canada. The role will be responsible for helping with X World Games' social media initiatives on various community platforms and assisting the marketing team to create day-to-day contents. We're looking for a self-starter that thrives in fast-paced workplaces and can collaborate with a variety of internal team members to reach shared results; a person that’s thorough and doesn’t mind taking extra steps to get the job done.


  • Create high-quality, engaging graphic designs for all social media platforms.
  • Create featured photos, infographics, charts, and graphs for the X World Games blog's graphic design.
  • Create paid media marketing materials and graphics.
  • Apply our current branding/styling standards to all of your creations.
  • Take part in team/company projects, product meetings, and brainstorming sessions.
  • As needed, provide additional content and asset creation assistance to the Marketing team.
  • Organize designs and other digital documents used in the process in our digital shared drive so that other team members may readily access them.
  • Ability to produce graphics in a short amount of time. The business is fast-paced, and sometimes the candidate has to meet tight deadlines unexpectedly.


  • 2+ years of graphic design experience with a proven strong/engaging portfolio
  • Basic understanding of blockchain, DeFi, crypto memes, P2E, and the sector as a whole.
  • Outstanding inventiveness, adaptability, problem-solving, and analytical abilities.
  • Fluency in communication design (composition, typography, color, illustration, and movement)
  • Ability to produce content and design that adheres to defined style guide and brand identity criteria.
  • Knowledgeable in marketing, advertising, user psychology, and conversion optimization.
  • Highly skilled in all aspects of design including Adobe Creative Suite programs, Figma, Canva, etc.

Good to have:

  • ACG-Lover (Animation, Comics, and Games)
  • Video editing skills
  • 2D illustration
  • Basic knowledge in game development and blockchain smart contracts.
  • Mandarin is an asset


  • Attractive and competitive salary & crypto package with your options
  • Work in a very dynamic environment and be part of an international team
  • Flexible working hours and startup environment
  • Young & flat team structure. Working closely with the co-founding team
  • Take your role in the cutting-edge & disruptive innovation industry and seek the endless possibilities in the gaming Metaverse

Content Manager/Copywriter (Crypto)

About the position

The position of Content Manager will be part of the XWG Global Marketing team and work closely with the operation team in Canada. The role will be responsible for leading and developing X World Games' non-technical written content, from long-lengthy reading Medium blog to copywriting of marketing phrases. We're looking for candidates with exceptional verbal/written communication skills and a comprehensive understanding of the latest blockchain/crypo trends such as Gamefi and Metaverse.


  • Study current Gamefi and Crypto trends and offer new content concepts.
  • To assure marketing consistency, create an overall content plan for all channels (blog, social, community, articles, etc.).
  • Lead and cooperate with internal team (design, public relations, marketing, and developers) to generate all marketing content and improve content strategy and objective,
  • To maximize the reach of your working materials by using SEO and marketing rules.


  • 3+ years of copywriting/marketing experience in the blockchain or gaming spac
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Knowledgeable with the latest crypto trends of Web3, Gamefi, P2E and/or the Metaverse
  • Familiar with the popular social media sites like Twitter & Medium
  • Think strategically, creatively, and innovatively
  • Native fluency in English

Good to have:

  • ACG-Lover (Animation, Comics, and Games)
  • Journalism or relative field background
  • Graphic, visual design and video editing skills such as Figma, Final Cut and etc.
  • Basic knowledge in game development and blockchain smart contracts.
  • It's a plus if you can communicate in a second language at a native level, especially in Chinese.


  • Attractive and competitive salary & token package with your options.
  • Work in a very dynamic environment and be part of an international team
  • Flexible working hours and startup environment.
  • Young & flat team structure. Working closely with the co-founding team.
  • Take your role in the cutting-edge & disruptive innovation industry and seek the endless possibilities in the gaming Metaverse.

Strategic Partnership Manager (Crypto)

About the position

The position of Strategic Manager will be part of the XWG Global Business Development team and work closely with the operation team in Canada. The role will be responsible for cultivating and maintaining relationships among business partners while also developing strategies to increase global exposures and potential benefits for X World Games. We're looking for passionate candidates with decent knowledge of major industry players in P2E, GameFi, and enjoy exploring new possibilities, connecting with others, and monitoring the latest trends in the Blockchain ecosystem for potential partnerships and XWG growth opportunities.


  • To further grow the X World Games ecosystem, oversee current collaborations, and build long-term relationships with key stakeholders.
  • Working with community and industry partners to provide recommendations for future enhancements and additions to the X World Games ecosystem
  • Participate in ecosystem activities and strengthen ties with community initiatives, teams, and individuals, as well as the XWG Team and other significant stakeholders.
  • Gather feedback from the community and the market on a regular basis in order to identify and create cooperation opportunities within the X World Games Ecosystem.
  • Promote and develop stakeholder engagement strategies, as well as oversee projects from concept to completion.
  • Maintain and create new communication channels with community partners, informing them of forthcoming changes, key milestones, and new launches.
  • Collaborate with the team to establish and articulate strategic impacts for current or future efforts and initiatives.


  • 2-3 years of experience in the blockchain/crypto/DeFi/gaming field
  • Superior communication skills in English and strong interpersonal skills, love to talk and greet with remote partners.
  • Proven expertise managing relationships and/or communities, developing businesses, forming partnerships, and achieving success in large and small organizations.
  • Ability to develop plans with a strong focus on scalability, innovation, and user interaction
  • Be positive and quickly bond working relationships with a variety of stakeholders.
  • Follow and understand the general industry trends and blockchain applications - blockchain enthusiast.
  • Think creatively, solve problems independently, and perform well in a fast-paced setting.

Good to have:

  • ACG-Lover (Animation, Comics, and Games)
  • Have successfully participated in a crypto project or gaming application.
  • Basic knowledge in game development and blockchain smart contracts.
  • It's a plus if you can communicate in a second language at a native level.


  • Attractive and competitive salary & token package with your options.
  • Work in a very dynamic environment and be part of an international team
  • Flexible working hours and startup environment.
  • Young & flat team structure. Working closely with the co-founding team.
  • Take your role in the cutting-edge & disruptive innovation industry and seek the endless possibilities in the gaming Metaverse.

Business Development Manager (Crypto)

About the position

The position of Business Development Manager will be part of the XWG Global Business Development team and work closely with the operation team in Canada. The role will be responsible for networking and establishing relationships with key players and projects in the crypto space while also developing business models on possible gains to maximize promotional opportunities and any format of remunerations for X World Games products.


  • Identify possible partners, initiate conversations, negotiate business terms to integrate XWG products, and monitor the integration process.
  • Establish connections with crypto wallets, exchanges, Dapps, browser extensions, Defis/Gamefis, and other crypto/blockchain-related projects.
  • Create and manage a pipeline of partner integration and co-marketing opportunities.
  • Develop new beneficial business models and strategies and reach potential partners who might be interested.
  • Oversee the process strategically from the beginning to the end, from intro to integration to collaboration management.
  • Develop a detailed understanding of the XWG product's functionality and features and influence potential partners by becoming an expert on it.
  • Maintain close relationships with our existing partners and ensure their continuous updates from X World Games.
  • Collaborate with the team to establish and articulate strategic impacts for current or future efforts and initiatives.


  • 2-3 years in Business Development and Partnerships in the blockchain industry
  • Prove records of successfully closing 10+ deals of $50K or greater size
  • Excellent verbal/written and business negotiation communication skills, including facilitation of group presentations
  • Be positive and quickly bond working relationships with a variety of stakeholders.
  • Follow and understand the general industry trends and blockchain applications - blockchain enthusiast.
  • Think creatively, solve problems independently, and perform well in a fast-paced setting.
  • Self-starter and self-motivated - your result speaks for your reward.

Good to have:

  • ACG-Lover (Animation, Comics, and Games)
  • Have successfully participated in a crypto project or gaming application.
  • Basic knowledge in game development and blockchain smart contracts.
  • It's a plus if you can communicate in a second language at a native level.


  • Attractive and competitive salary & token package with your options.
  • Work in a very dynamic environment and be part of an international team
  • Flexible working hours and startup environment.
  • Young & flat team structure. Working closely with the co-founding team.
  • Take your role in the cutting-edge & disruptive innovation industry and seek the endless possibilities in the gaming Metaverse.

Public Relations Manager (Crypto)

About the position

The position of Public Relations Manager will be part of the XWG Global Marketing team and work closely with the operation team in Canada. The role will be responsible for building and maintaining a positive image for X World Games. We're looking for candidates with a deep understanding of the crypto and media industry and who possess an abundance of press connections and networks, as well as fantastic public communication skills to accomplish the job.


  • Develop a public relations strategy for the X World Games and put it into action.
  • Create a press release or media pitch and other public relations materials.
  • Oversee the implementation of the public relations strategy and media pitching by coordinating with external press agencies.
  • Collaborate with the Marketing team to promote and pitch original editorial content for consideration by the press (e.g. guest posts)
  • Identify, cultivate, and manage connections with editors of significant newspapers, social media influencers, and other public people in the NFT area.
  • Serve as the public face for X World Games at conferences, seminars, conventions, and other events.
  • Organize public relations activities to raise our company's awareness.
  • Have the contingency plan prepared, and manage the PR crisis ahead of time


  • 1-3 years of experience in the blockchain/crypto/DeFi/gaming field
  • 3 years+ of strong and proven history of public relations in relevant fields
  • A solid relationship with relevant journalists and news outlets to earn content placement
  • Passionate about blockchain, cryptocurrency, and gaming, as well as a willingness to learn the latest trends about them
  • Ability to create a process and a set of KPIs for measuring and tracking the success of public relations campaigns
  • Superior communication and strong interpersonal skills, love to talk and greet with remote partners; native fluency in English.
  • Writing talents that are specifically geared toward persuasion and education.
  • Comfortable working in a small team in a fast-paced environment

Good to have:

  • ACG-Lover (Animation, Comics, and Games)
  • Journalism or relative field background
  • Basic knowledge in game development and blockchain smart contracts.
  • It's a plus if you can communicate in a second language at a native level.


  • Attractive and competitive salary & token package with your options.
  • Work in a very dynamic environment and be part of an international team
  • Flexible working hours and startup environment.
  • Young & flat team structure. Working closely with the co-founding team.
  • Take your role in the cutting-edge & disruptive innovation industry and seek the endless possibilities in the gaming Metaverse.

Community Manager (Crypto)

About the position

The position of Community Manager will be part of the XWG Global Community team and work closely with the operation team in Canada. The role will be responsible for community management (Discord/Telegram/Discourse/Reddit) within the crypto community (Gaming/NFT/P2E), assisting the Marketing team in driving user acquisition and community engagement, and developing and implementing promotional strategies through different social media and community channels.


  • Manage and develop communication materials for the X World Games community regarding current or pending critical crypto announcements.
  • Facilitate X World Games community growth, communicate with fans, influencers, community admins/moderators, and other partners/collaborators
  • Encourage community engagement through establishing incentives, initiatives, and activities (in-person and virtual)
  • Provide the team with regular community updates/feedbacks, including community mood, community input, and player-focused campaign performance.
  • Be the brand ambassadors of X World Games in various online communities.


  • Minimum of 1+ years experience in social media or community management
  • In-depth knowledge of the crypto/blockchain/NFT/P2E space
  • Familiar with online social networks such as Telegram, Discord, Twitter, Facebook, Medium, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and others.
  • Passionate about learning the latest crypto trends in P2E, Web3, and Metaverse.
  • Outstanding written communication abilities and fluency in English are required.

Good to have:

  • ACG-Lover (Animation, Comics, and Games)
  • Graphic, visual design and video editing skills such as Figma, Final Cut and etc.
  • Basic knowledge in game development and blockchain smart contracts.
  • It's a plus if you can communicate in a second language at a native level.


  • Attractive and competitive salary & token package with your options.
  • Work in a very dynamic environment and be part of an international team
  • Flexible working hours and startup environment.
  • Young & flat team structure. Working closely with the co-founding team.
  • Take your role in the cutting-edge & disruptive innovation industry and seek the endless possibilities in the gaming Metaverse.

Director of Growth (Crypto)

About the position

The position of Director of Growth will be part of the XWG Global Marketing team and work closely with the operation team in Canada. The role will lead and integrate marketing and community campaigns in areas of user acquisition, performance marketing, growth partnerships, and community programs. We're looking for candidates who have a track record of achievement in the field of digital growth marketing, are experienced with managing marketing budgets to meet accurate performance results, and thrive in a data-driven workplace, and make decisions based on facts and numbers.


  • Define X World Games' user-oriented Growth strategy and establish key metrics and objectives to assure the Growth function's proactive success (from regional to global)
  • Leverage data to optimize budget forecasting and/or allocation recommendations across programmatic and paid social media channels to maximize reach, scale, engagement effectiveness, and performance efficiency.
  • Extend and deepen our global growth strategy to take advantage of regional opportunities and meet the expectations and demands of future and existing consumers in the region.
  • Design and execute end-to-end marketing campaigns that generate user acquisition, usage growth, and retention, including but not limited to social media, influencer marketing, search marketing, and paid advertising.
  • Sort through well-known and unusual acquisition channels, have consistent and frequent experimentation of media channels, A/B testing, to drive the growth of XWG products


  • 5 to 7+ years experience of growth/marketing with a track record of delivering success (ideally for a tech company or startup)
  • In-depth knowledge of the crypto/blockchain/NFT/P2E space
  • Experience leading a team to provide an end-to-end growth strategy; demonstrated ability to lead and inspire a group
  • Experience developing a growth strategy that optimizes both paid and organic channels; desirable experience creating and scaling at least one community
  • Understanding of marketing concepts such as CPA, CAC, and LTV, as well as how each one affects growth; knowledge of growth loops vs. funnels
  • Outstanding interpersonal and communication skills
  • Ability to work with minimal supervision, be proactive, and deal with ambiguity and the problems that come with working in a fast-paced startup environment

Good to have:

  • ACG-Lover (Animation, Comics, and Games)
  • Previous experience in the crypto/gaming industry or tech-related startups
  • An understanding of the latest crypto and gaming trends that might potentially formulate new user behaviors
  • Basic knowledge in game development and blockchain smart contracts.
  • It's a plus if you can communicate in a second language at a native level.


  • Attractive and competitive salary & token package with your options.
  • Work in a very dynamic environment and be part of an international team
  • Flexible working hours and startup environment.
  • Young & flat team structure. Working closely with the co-founding team.
  • Take your role in the cutting-edge & disruptive innovation industry and seek the endless possibilities in the gaming Metaverse.

Marketing Director (Crypto)

About the position

The position of Marketing will assist the founder management team to assemble and develop a new team for marketing and community campaigns in areas of traditional and untraditional user acquisitions, performance marketing, growth partnerships, and community programs. We're looking for candidates who have a track record of achievement in the field of digital growth marketing, are experienced with managing marketing budgets to meet accurate performance results, thrive in a data-driven workplace, and make decisions based on facts and numbers. This leader will be solely working on one of our unreleased verticals.


  • Communicate with the founder team in Asa to define user-oriented Growth strategy and establish key metrics and objectives to assure the Growth function's proactive success (from regional to global)
  • Leverage data to optimize budget forecasting and/or allocation recommendations across programmatic and paid social media channels to maximize reach, scale, engagement effectiveness, and performance efficiency.
  • Extend and deepen our global growth strategy to take advantage of regional opportunities and meet the expectations and demands of future and existing consumers in the region.
  • Design and execute end-to-end marketing campaigns that generate user acquisition, usage growth, and retention, including but not limited to social media, influencer marketing, search marketing, and paid advertising.
  • Sort through well-known and unusual acquisition channels, have consistent and frequent experimentation of media channels, A/B testing, to drive the growth of products


  • 5 to 7+ years experience of growth/marketing with a track record of delivering success (ideally for a tech company or startup)
  • In-depth knowledge of the crypto/blockchain/NFT/P2E/gaming space
  • Experience leading a team to provide an end-to-end growth strategy; demonstrated ability to lead and inspire a group
  • Experience developing a marketing and growth strategy that optimizes both paid and organic channels; desirable experience creating and scaling at least one community
  • Understanding of marketing concepts such as CPA, CAC, and LTV, as well as how each one affects growth; knowledge of growth loops vs. funnels
  • Outstanding interpersonal and communication skills
  • Ability to work with minimal supervision, be proactive, and deal with ambiguity and the problems that come with working in a fast-paced startup environment
  • Fluency in both English and Chinese for global team communication

Good to have:

  • ACG-Lover (Animation, Comics, and Games)
  • Previous experience in the crypto/gaming industry or tech-related startups
  • Deep understanding of the latest crypto and gaming trends that might potentially formulate new user behaviors
  • Well knowledge in game development and blockchain smart contracts.
  • It's a plus if you can communicate in any other language at a native level.


  • Attractive and competitive salary & token package with your options.
  • Work in a very dynamic environment and be part of an international team
  • Flexible working hours and startup environment.
  • Young & flat team structure. Working closely with the co-founding team.
  • Take your role in the cutting-edge & disruptive innovation industry and seek the endless possibilities in the gaming Metaverse.

Executive Assistant (Crypto/Gaming)

About the position

The position of Executive Assistant will be part of the XWG Global team and work directly for the founder team in Canada. The role will be responsible for internal project monitoring and global team communication, assisting the co-founder executive in completing daily executive and administrative routines,attending business travels, and establishing other invested businesses in clean energy and environmental technologies.


  • Coordinate with X World Games project management activities, progress, and information flows
  • Follow up with each task goal and break projects into doable actions and set timeframes
  • Help with assigning tasks to internal teams and assist with schedule management
  • Monitor project progress and handle any issues that arise
  • Act as the point of contact and communicate project status to all participants
  • Accompany co-founder executive and teams on essential business travels and provide business development assitance
  • Assist co-founder executive on other related project and business operations


  • Minimum of 1+ years relevant experience in tech-related industry
  • Minimum of 1+ years relevant experience in business development and operations
  • Bilingual, fluency in both English and Chinese for global team communication
  • Familiar with social networks and team collaboration tools such as Telegram, Discord, Twitter, Notion, and others
  • Comfortable with meetings in global timezone and fast-paced startup environment
  • Passionate about learning the latest crypto trends and tech sectors
  • Outstanding interpersonal skills to handle conflict and carry out teamwork
  • Global travel ready - having driver license will be a plus

Good to have:

  • ACG-Lover (Animation, Comics, and Games)
  • Previous experience in the crypto/gaming industry or tech-related startups
  • Deep understanding of the latest crypto and gaming trends that might potentially formulate new user behaviours
  • Certain knowledge base in technology, engineering or manufacturing industry
  • It's a plus if you can communicate in any other language at a native level


  • Attractive and competitive salary & token package with your options.
  • Work in a very dynamic environment and be part of an international team
  • Flexible working hours and startup environment.
  • Young & flat team structure. Working closely with the co-founding team.
  • Take your role in the cutting-edge & disruptive innovation industry and seek the endless possibilities in the gaming Metaverse.

Investor Relations Manager

About the position

The position of Investor Relations Manager will be part of the XWG Asia team and work closely with the business team in Singapore. The role will be responsible for building and maintaining a positive image for X World Games. The investor Relations Manager will be responsible for providing excellent investor care to current investors and proactively generating new leads to grow the investor base through referrals and outbound marketing efforts. The Investor Relations Manager will be responsible for the production of asset-level and fund-level performance report summaries to current investors and prospective investors; custom syndication and fund reports to maximize communication efficacy with a range of private, high net worth, and institutional investors; build strong relationships with existing investors by providing high-quality answers to investor inquires and excellent investor care; create new relationships with potential investors through referrals, networking, and marketing efforts.


  • Acts as liaison between the company and the public on financial matters.
  • Maintains and develops a positive public image for the organization.
  • Analyzes corporate activities for investors, identifying networking and other opportunities to build and create new initiatives.
  • Facilitates financial analyst meetings, which may include creating and reviewing the agenda, suggesting and setting the format and dates of the meetings, and fielding questions that may arise before, during, and after the meeting.
  • Facilitates the companys annual meeting, which may include creating and reviewing the agenda, coordinating the meeting space, arranging press coverage, and other related tasks.
  • Produces quarterly and annual investors reports.
  • Performs other related duties as assigned.
  • Track and analyze macro market data and assess operating activity ramifications.
  • Contribute to the development of quarterly earnings press releases and quarterly conference call notes.
  • Prepare materials for quarterly Board of Directors meetings.
  • Responsible for Investor Targeting (identifying and approaching suitable potential investors)
  • Represents the views of the investor community to company management in the development of a company strategy

Additional Responsibilities:

  • Additional ancillary job tasks
  • Assist on an as needed basis with projects that require additional help


  • 1-3 years of experience in the blockchain/crypto/DeFi/gaming field
  • Bachelor’s in Finance, Accounting, Economics, or related fields, with a minor in Communications or Public Relations
  • A Master's degree is preferred but not required
  • 3-6 years of experience in investor relations, public relations, financial investment, accounting or other related fields, experience in customer success or sales-oriented roles is a plus
  • Up-to-date understanding of regulations as defined by the Securities and Exchange Commission
  • Must demonstrate extremely strong communication (verbal, written, graphic) skills
  • Willing to travel
  • Accepted applicants without the noted qualifications must have previously demonstrated the propensity for successfully creating and maintaining business relationships.

Good to have:

  • ACG-Lover (Animation, Comics, and Games)
  • Journalism or relative field background
  • Basic knowledge in game development and blockchain smart contracts.
  • It's a plus if you can communicate in a second language at a native level.


  • Attractive and competitive salary & token package with your options.
  • Work in a very dynamic environment and be part of an international team
  • Flexible working hours and startup environment.
  • Young & flat team structure. Working closely with the co-founding team.
  • Take your role in the cutting-edge & disruptive innovation industry and seek the endless possibilities in the gaming Metaverse.

Business Development Manager

About the position

The position of Business Development Manager will be part of the XWG Asia team and work closely with the business team in Singapore. We are looking for an entrepreneurial, resourceful and action-hungry candidate to help source and manage XWGs’ partnerships. You will help develop pitches, build partnership frameworks and execute all activities necessary to bring various partners into the Core Metaverse. Partners will include (but not be limited to): top-tier brands, web3 communities (NFT projects & DAOs), technology providers, influencers and creative development studios. You will collaborate closely with Marketing and Product teams to pitch and develop campaigns for crypto and Web3 partnerships. This role reports directly to the CMO & CGO.


  • Create new business opportunities for XWG by developing relationships with and pitching partnerships to top-tier brands, web3 communities (NFT projects & DAOs) technology providers and creative development studios
  • Develop and refine partnership models to service a wide variety of clients. Construct frameworks for establishing ROI for engaging and supporting prospective collaborators
  • Manage relationships with strategic partners, liaising between internal Manticore teams and partners’ project leaders and aligning the business needs of Manticore Games and its partners
  • Bring brands and web3 communities to XWG through e

Investor Relations Manager

About the position

The position of Investor Relations Manager will be part of the XWG Asia team and work closely with the business team in Singapore. The role will be responsible for building and maintaining a positive image for X World Games. The investor Relations Manager will be responsible for providing excellent investor care to current investors and proactively generating new leads to grow the investor base through referrals and outbound marketing efforts. The Investor Relations Manager will be responsible for the production of asset-level and fund-level performance report summaries to current investors and prospective investors; custom syndication and fund reports to maximize communication efficacy with a range of private, high net worth, and institutional investors; build strong relationships with existing investors by providing high-quality answers to investor inquires and excellent investor care; create new relationships with potential investors through referrals, networking, and marketing efforts.


  • Acts as liaison between the company and the public on financial matters.
  • Maintains and develops a positive public image for the organization.
  • Analyzes corporate activities for investors, identifying networking and other opportunities to build and create new initiatives.
  • Facilitates financial analyst meetings, which may include creating and reviewing the agenda, suggesting and setting the format and dates of the meetings, and fielding questions that may arise before, during, and after the meeting.
  • Facilitates the companys annual meeting, which may include creating and reviewing the agenda, coordinating the meeting space, arranging press coverage, and other related tasks.
  • Produces quarterly and annual investors reports.
  • Performs other related duties as assigned.
  • Track and analyze macro market data and assess operating activity ramifications.
  • Contribute to the development of quarterly earnings press releases and quarterly conference call notes.
  • Prepare materials for quarterly Board of Directors meetings.
  • Responsible for Investor Targeting (identifying and approaching suitable potential investors)
  • Represents the views of the investor community to company management in the development of a company strategy

Additional Responsibilities:

  • Additional ancillary job tasks
  • Assist on an as needed basis with projects that require additional help


  • 1-3 years of experience in the blockchain/crypto/DeFi/gaming field
  • Bachelor’s in Finance, Accounting, Economics, or related fields, with a minor in Communications or Public Relations
  • A Master's degree is preferred but not required
  • 3-6 years of experience in investor relations, public relations, financial investment, accounting or other related fields, experience in customer success or sales-oriented roles is a plus
  • Up-to-date understanding of regulations as defined by the Securities and Exchange Commission
  • Must demonstrate extremely strong communication (verbal, written, graphic) skills
  • Willing to travel
  • Accepted applicants without the noted qualifications must have previously demonstrated the propensity for successfully creating and maintaining business relationships.

Good to have:

  • ACG-Lover (Animation, Comics, and Games)
  • Journalism or relative field background
  • Basic knowledge in game development and blockchain smart contracts.
  • It's a plus if you can communicate in a second language at a native level.


  • Attractive and competitive salary & token package with your options.
  • Work in a very dynamic environment and be part of an international team
  • Flexible working hours and startup environment.
  • Young & flat team structure. Working closely with the co-founding team.
  • Take your role in the cutting-edge & disruptive innovation industry and seek the endless possibilities in the gaming Metaverse.

Business Development Manager

About the position

The position of Business Development Manager will be part of the XWG Asia team and work closely with the business team in Singapore. We are looking for an entrepreneurial, resourceful and action-hungry candidate to help source and manage XWGs’ partnerships. You will help develop pitches, build partnership frameworks and execute all activities necessary to bring various partners into the Core Metaverse. Partners will include (but not be limited to): top-tier brands, web3 communities (NFT projects & DAOs), technology providers, influencers and creative development studios. You will collaborate closely with Marketing and Product teams to pitch and develop campaigns for crypto and Web3 partnerships. This role reports directly to the CMO & CGO.


  • Create new business opportunities for XWG by developing relationships with and pitching partnerships to top-tier brands, web3 communities (NFT projects & DAOs) technology providers and creative development studios
  • Develop and refine partnership models to service a wide variety of clients. Construct frameworks for establishing ROI for engaging and supporting prospective collaborators
  • Manage relationships with strategic partners, liaising between internal Manticore teams and partners’ project leaders and aligning the business needs of Manticore Games and its partners
  • Bring brands and web3 communities to XWG through events, partnerships and other on-platform activities
  • Become proficient operating within XWG to demo its capabilities to prospective clients
  • Communicate complex contractual and contextual information effectively to cross-functional teams, executive stakeholders, partners, etc.
  • Assemble pitch/demo/leave-behind-materials to aid in client relationship management.
  • Work with Marketing to audit delivery of partnership asset and rights; track, analyze and measure key success metrics related to each partnership
  • Work closely with Manticore’s finance and legal teams to develop partnership agreements that have a strong ROI and protect the company from liabilities
  • Monitor key trends and track deals across the technology, interactive entertainment, gaming, metaverse and web3 space to identify and propose potential opportunities and provide thoughtful recommendations to XWG leadership


  • BA/BS
  • Fundamental understanding of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, tokenomics, NFTs and web3 gaming mechanics
  • Ability to pitch and sell to various types of potential partners
  • Understanding of relevant web3 communities/projects
  • A highly accountable individual who prides themselves on seeing projects through to completion
  • Comfortable managing across teams to ensure timely and accurate project execution
  • Experience driving complex negotiations, deals, and transactions, including building relationships, formulating creative deal structures, and closing complex partnerships
  • Strong level of empathy and emotional intelligence with interpersonal skills, flexibility, and customer service orientation to match
  • Extreme attention to detail with excellent project management abilities
  • Organized multi-tasker, creative-thinker and problem solver
  • Ability to think strategically, but also willing to roll up sleeves with a flexible, can-do attitude
  • Relentless, creative and passionate individual who can think big
  • Skilled in developing presentation materials
  • A self-starter with the ability to handle multiple projects with high levels of ambiguity in a fast-paced environment
  • Intellectually curious with an insatiable appetite for knowledge


  • Knowledge and passion for in gaming
  • Multi-platform experience
  • Games-as-a-service experience
  • Sale/partnerships background

Good to have:

  • ACG-Lover (Animation, Comics, and Games)
  • Have successfully participated in a crypto project or gaming application.
  • Basic knowledge in game development and blockchain smart contracts.
  • It's a plus if you can communicate in a second language at a native level.


  • Attractive and competitive salary & token package with your options.
  • Work in a very dynamic environment and be part of an international team
  • Flexible working hours and startup environment.
  • Young & flat team structure. Working closely with the co-founding team.
  • Take your role in the cutting-edge & disruptive innovation industry and seek the endless possibilities in the gaming Metaverse.


[email protected],[email protected]

23. Bitrise Capital


比升资本(Bitrise Capital)是专注于区块链领域的投资机构,在全球范围内投资、孵化以区块链技术为主导的项目。2020年,比升资本宣布成立1000万美金的专项基金,重点投向创新赛道项目,包括但不限于波卡生态等热门领域,促进区块链生态的健康发展。

简历投递至[email protected]




  • 金融、数学、计算机、物理相关专业优先,本科及以上学历,985,211及海内外知名院校优先;
  • 分析区块链一二级市场热门项目的动向及行业未来发展,包括但不限于行业动态,项目经济模型,项目发展数据及竞品分析;
  • 负责项目上的业务数据分析工作,制定数据分析方案,制作分析报表;
  • 参与区块链项目课题,承担课题研究工作,编写课题相关文档;
  • 根据项目需求编写数据分析脚本、数据处理脚本和模型算法脚本。



  • 具备基本的互联网产品思维和策划能力,创新能力强;
  • 善于沟通协调、思维活跃、积极乐观、责任心强,能承受一定的工作压力;
  • 具备较优秀的中英文阅读、写作及口语能力;
  • 对区块链行业感兴趣,愿意对行业深入了解和学习者优先。



  • 全日制本科以上学历,2年以上全栈开发经验.
  • 有大型前端架构、性能优化经验者、参与过区块链相关的开源项目.
  • 熟悉Bitcoin、Ethereum等开源区块链底层技术.
  • 精通JavaScript语音和React框架.
  • 熟悉前端工程化,熟悉Git、webpack等工具.
  • 具备前端系统架构能力,兼顾工程质量和开发效率.
  • 可以接受海外出差者优先。



  • 3年以上互联网产品实施经验,至少有一个主导产品成功实施;
  • 熟悉社交类产品实现过程,包括市场分析、需求分析、产品功能设计、业务流程设计、用户研究等;
  • 对产品和运营敏感,思路清晰有条理; 对数据敏感,善于发现问题,解决问题;
  • 对技术开发环节有了解者优先,有区块链、社交类等产品经验者优先;


[email protected]



24. Crossbell - on-chain social activities


When you create something, you should own it.

This is as true in real life as it is in the digital world. 🌍

Crossbell is:

Crossbell is a platform for owning your social activities, composed of a ****progressive Ethereum Layer 2 blockchain and a set of smart contracts. Crossbell has a core app called xSync that aims to bring ownership back to Web2 creators by letting them automatically sync their content on-chain for free, which leads to data sovereignty, enforced copyright, and monetization. Crossbell is initiated by Natural Selection Labs, which is also the team behind RSS3, backed by top investors including Arweave, Coinbase, Coinshares, Dapper Labs, Dragonfly, Fabric, and Hashkey.

Homepage: https://crossbell.io

GitHub: https://github.com/Crossbell-Box

Twitter: https://twitter.com/_Crossbell

We want you to:

  • Design and implement user interface components for JavaScript-based web and mobile applications using React ecosystem
  • Set continuous delivery and continuous improvement in front-end development
  • Translating UI designs and UX wire-frames into high-quality codes
  • Optimizing components for maximum performance

We’d like to hear from you if you:

  • have 3+ years of professional experience working with React Native
  • In-depth knowledge of JavaScript, CSS, HTML, functional programming, and front-end languages
  • Knowledge of user interface design and responsive designs
  • Worked in Web3 or related fields for more than 2 years
  • Have great communication and writing skills
  • Have a positive mindset and continuous-learning attitude

We offer:

  • A chance to directly participate in the Internet revolution and make the world a better place
  • Opportunities to contribute to the world’s top Web3 projects
  • A team of loving and competent companions!
  • FULLY-REMOTE role with very flexible working hours
  • An AWESOME & CARING company culture
  • Competitive allowances and benefits
  • We are committed to diversity and welcome talented applicants from all walks of life to apply! All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran or disability status.

We are:

At Natural Selection Labs, we are dedicated to creating a free information society.

All our work is open-source on GitHub: https://github.com/Crossbell-Box

We are a globally distributed organization: all our members work remotely from different countries, including the US, Japan, New Zealand, the UK, and China. We promote flexible working hours, so both early birds and night owls are welcome!

Our team is equal, open, and free. Since our establishment, we have made tremendous progress and are incredibly proud of the team culture and atmosphere that teammates experience in our organization.


[email protected]


• A chance to directly participate in the Internet revolution and make the world a better place

• Opportunities to contribute to the world’s top Web3 projects

• A team of loving and competent companions!

• FULLY-REMOTE role with very flexible working hours

• An AWESOME & CARING company culture

• Competitive allowances and benefits

• We are committed to diversity and welcome talented applicants from all walks of life to apply! All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran or disability status.

25. RSS3


The right to create, disseminate and distribute information should not be in the hands of centralized governing. It is the basic right of cyber lives. 🌍

RSS3 is:

RSS3 is an information dissemination protocol for Web3 with the core elements of feed and search. RSS3 is initiated by Natural Selection Labs, which is also the team behind Crossbell, backed by top investors including Arweave, Coinbase, Coinshares, Dapper Labs, Dragonfly, Fabric, and Hashkey.

Homepage: https://rss3.io



We want you to:

We are seeking highly motivated and skilled Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Natural Language Understanding (NLU) engineers to join our search engine project team. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in QAC (Query Auto-Completion), Query Rewrite, Query Generation, Query Understanding, as well as experience working on search engines or other information retrieval systems.

In this role, you will be responsible for designing and implementing several NLP solutions to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of our search engine. This will involve tasks such as developing and maintaining NLP pipelines for data preprocessing, entity recognition, and query expansion, as well as building and training machine learning models for NLU tasks such as intent mining, classification.

We’d like to hear from you if you:

  1. Knowledge and experience in NLP-related deep learning concepts&techniques
  2. Proficiency in programming languages such as Java, Python, Go, etc
  3. Experience working with large datasets and platform such as Hadoop, Spark
  4. Experience working on search engines or other information retrieval systems
  5. Strong problem-solving and communication skills
  6. Ability to work independently and as part of a team

You will be more competitive if you:

  1. Publication in top-tier conference/journals such as ACL/NAACL/SIGIR

We offer:

  • A chance to directly participate in the Internet revolution and make the world a better place
  • Opportunities to contribute to the world’s top Web3 projects
  • A team of loving and competent companions!
  • FULLY-REMOTE role with very flexible working hours
  • An AWESOME & CARING company culture
  • Competitive allowances and benefits
  • We are committed to diversity and welcome talented applicants from all walks of life to apply! All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran or disability status.

We are:

At Natural Selection Labs, we are dedicated to creating a free information society.

All our work is open-source on GitHub: https://github.com/Crossbell-Box

We are a globally distributed organization: all our members work remotely from different countries, including the US, Japan, New Zealand, the UK, and China. We promote flexible working hours, so both early birds and night owls are welcome!

Our team is equal, open, and free. Since our establishment, we have made tremendous progress and are incredibly proud of the team culture and atmosphere that teammates experience in our organization.


[email protected]

26. Bitool - Token/NFT batch sender




  • 协助项目负责人完成项目产品调研和数据分析工作
  • 独立规划工具产品线,基于调研和市场变化快速迭代产品
  • 深度打磨产品,基于数据和调研进行持续迭代提升产品易用性
  • 高质量的原型和交互交付,全程关注产品实现保真度
  • 关注项目全链条,与设计、前后端以及合约工程师紧密合作
  • 产品上线的测试和质量验收


  • 3-5年互联网产品经验,有工具类产品经验更佳
  • 成熟产品的迭代经验,熟悉成熟团队工作流程
  • 数据敏感度高,用户sense敏锐
  • 高成就动机,高学习能力,空杯心态,较好的结构化思维能力
  • 较好的项目管理能力以及原型交互输出能力
  • 有web3区块链领域从业经验更佳,英文能力好优先



27. Kucoin


Crypto investments Intern

Roles & Responsibilities:

You will be working with senior managers/directors (ex-MBB and ex-IB) directly on live equity/token investment deals, including but not limited to digital banking, brokerage, data platforms and crypto projects including defi, nft and gamefi.

Day-to-day activities include, but are not limited to:

· Industry research and due diligence of traditional financial market and crypto market

· Recommendations based on strategic focus

· Deal sourcing and leads generation

Preferred background:

· basic crypto experience and have been actively following the crypto market

· Previous deal and investment experience in crypto or TMT is preferred


· Top university with solid consulting/research/investment background

· A quantitative background and analytical skills coupled with attention to detail

· Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English & Mandarin

· Ability to work independently in a fast-paced environment to support multiple deals

· Motivation to work as a team player and contribute to a positive team culture

What we are looking for

· A motivated self-starter who has a passion for crypto

· Someone who understands defi, NFT, Metaverse, Web3 and the key components of the crypto industry today

· Someone who takes ownership to drive projects forward and is motivated to become an expert in specific fields


[email protected]

28. 想象力基金 Imagination Fund










**简历投递:**[email protected]



[email protected]

29. Nethermind


Business Development Executive

DevOps Engineer

Senior Blockchain Engineer (Golang)

Site Reliability Engineer

Internship Program 2023



30. Edge & Node



Developer Relations

Developer Success Engineer

Database Administrator

Rust Engineer

Site Reliability Enginer

Software Engineer, Smart Contracts

Solidity Engineer




31. QuickNode - web3 development platform


Backend Engineer

Senior Compliance Engineer

Software Engineer

Data Engineer

Sr. API Engineer

Site Reliability Engineer

Head of People

Head of Developer Relations

Senior Developer Advocate

Senior Support Engineer (APAC)

Senior Support Engineer (USA)

Technical Operations Engineer



32. Mint Ventures




  1. 对公司现有网站风格把握,色调搭配,布局优化,及其他设计工作,维护品牌视觉统一的输出;
  2. 负责公司品牌宣传资料、平面设计、文本设计等工作;
  3. 负责公司其他品牌内容输出物的创意设计,图片处理,排版制作,和文本设计等工作;
  4. 可独立完成其他相关设计工作。


  1. 平面设计,UI设计相关专业背景
  2. 1-3年相关工作经验
  3. 熟练使用各类制图软件
  4. 可远程办公

Mint Ventures研究员或助理研究员(技术类)


  1. 针对加密项目、赛道和整体行业进行投资选题、调研和分析,为基金经理的投资决策提供标的和具体交易的参考信息。
  2. 撰写针对项目的深度研究报告或是研究简报,深度研报会对外发布。
  3. 独立或协助其他研究员对项目的技术可行性进行分析,解答技术方面的问题。
  4. 就项目的关键投资决策进行讨论。
  5. 参与合作项目的通证模型、经济机制和技术方案讨论,并提供相关的设计思路,助力合作项目的发展。
  6. 其他与研究和投资相关的工作。


  1. 计算机或相关专业背景。
  2. 了解加密行业主要赛道的商业逻辑和发展趋势,尤其是基础设施类项目。
  3. 有Web3项目开发实践经验者加分。
  4. 有专门的研报撰写和项目分析经验者加分。
  5. 在加密投资机构或部门有任职经验者加分。
  6. 英语听说读写能力出众,有海外留学和工作经验者加分。


TG: @iamfineandy

33. Bitget


content writer

  1. 围绕我们的产品/功能编写有效的长篇教育内容(首选现货交易市场),以及每日/每周加密市场分析。此内容将在Bitget Academy上发布,并向我们的全球用户展示。目标是为平台吸引新用户,为新手提供简单的说明和指导,并鼓励存量用户进一步使用Bitget的产品。
  2. 与团队沟通合作,包括内容经理、设计师、编辑等团队成员。
  3. 遵循编辑日历,与内容制作团队的其他成员合作,确保及时交付材料。
  4. 以书面形式使用搜索引擎优化(SEO)策略,以最大限度地提高网站在搜索结果中的在线可见性。
  5. 按主管要求编写Bitget Academy的其他相关内容格式、产品说明、视频脚本。


  1. 母语为英语。精通英语,包括习语和俚语及表达的当前趋势
  2. 能够在很少或没有日常监督的情况下独立工作
  3. 较强的人际交往能力,愿意与同事和管理层沟通
  4. 能够同时处理具有不同目标的多个项目
  5. 良好的时间管理技能,包括确定优先级、安排时间和根据需要进行调整
  6. 精通计算机,尤其是编写程序,如Google Docs和Microsoft Word、Excel、Outlook、PowerPoint
  7. 热爱写作,愿意学习加密/区块链行业的新知识。在专业作品集中展示的优秀写作记录。
  8. 有区块链或加密货币行业经验者优先。

东南亚(SEA)运营负责人 工作地点:远程分布式


  1. 帮助 BD 遍历本地 KOL,筛选合适的 KOL 与合适的推广渠道 2、优化本地入金,新用户转化流程 3、重点运营本地新资产,补充本地用户喜好的主流资产,策划本地增长活动 4、优化现货部分的 BD 与 KOL 激励方式,提高牵引性; 标杆 BD 的经验萃取和复制 任职要求:
  2. 过往从业经历:互联网行业的渠道用户;
  3. 用户增长;投放;crypto 活动运营,增长。
  4. 英语可作为工作语言,有 5 年及以上区块链相关工作经验优先。 4.大厂或大所经验,加分。


工作地点: 远程分布式


  1. 基于行业认知和分析,洞悉用户属性和需求,进行各类资产的收益模型测算和合理配置, 推出有竞争力的资产产品;
  2. 参与行业研究,定期输出研究报告,参与后续资产和产品规划;
  3. 搭建资产管理规范,跟进各类资产的执行落地情况,提高业务运行效率;
  4. 参与跨部门的协调和沟通,协助推进资产业务正常运行。


  1. 对资产运营体系等有深入的理解和方法论沉淀,同时有实战经验;
  2. 对数据敏感,具有较强的逻辑思考力和数据分析能力,能够结合数据推进运营工作;
  3. 具有良好的沟通能力,擅长各种创意输出;
  4. 有一定的团队管理经验,能带领团队拿结果;
  5. 英语可作为工作语言,有 5 年及以上区块链相关工作经验优先。


TG: @BClegend52798

Gmail: [email protected]

34. Voldex - web3 game platform


Lead Vehicle Artist

Gameplay Programmer

Quality Assurance Manager

Quality Assurance Tester

HR&Talent Coordinator

Game Product

Product Manager

VP Product







Jack Dorsey力挺的Nostr生态,远不止Damus一个项目




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